Sketchnote: Simply Bread
Pastor Raymond Fong
2nd June 2013
Wesley Metchodist Church
The context of the "I am the bread of life teaching"
John 6: 35-36; 47-51
FIVE: Jesus had blessed 5 loaves 2 fish and fed 5000 men with women and children beside and there were
12 baskets full of crumbs and remnants of food.
THREE different expectational responses from the crowd
1) Materialistic: only came for food
2) LegalIstic: what work must we do to earn God's favour?
3) Sensational: show us another miracle
They challenged Jesus to be better than Moses "who gave manna"
Jesus clarifies
It was not Moses who gave the manna but God
Furthermore God provides "true bread"
Now they were interested
Poor people ate barley loaves
Richer people ate wheat loaves
Now they wanted this "true bread"
TWO promises
Jesus made two promises if you eat this "true bread"
1) Promise of satisfaction
2) Promise of resurrection: eternal life
ONE question
Will you believe?
FOUR part take home message
1) RECOGNISE your need for the bread of life: Jesus
2) COME to the bread of life
3) EAT of the bread of life
4) COMMIT to believe in God
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