Friday, June 13, 2014

Brandy on GF , IFVP 2013

My take home message from Barney's (Facepalm!!! Damn Autocorrect!) Brandy, whiskey, vodka Whatever!  ..... 20 minute video 

The GR chart, the product is only 20% of our value.
Over emphasis on chart is focusing on self
The process is 80%
Focus on process is focus on client
Client is king

GR functions as a lens
Close up, microscope
Far away, telescope
And helicopter view

Trying to sell a bottle labelled GF, filled with glittery balls.... 
Clients just don't get it!
Rather than marketing
Focus on education
This is what we do
This is why we do what we do....

Each educational exercise is planting an appleseed .
Like Johnny Appleseed 
We don't know which seed will take root and bear fruit.
Plant them anyway.

Why we do what we do
A) Power of being listened to, validated

Why we do what we do
B) Power of shared understanding, synergy.

Thanks to Brandy Agerbeck

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