Thursday, March 14, 2013

Visual Facilitation: What, Why, How

#Sketch notes to myself
Will be converted to posters
[click here to see posters]

With a talk/ demo/ introduction in mind on "Graphic Recording"
I planned the content by sketchnote methodology.

I photocopied the pages and coloured them with oil pastels

First: WHAT is it?
Both Verb and Noun
Visual Facilitation/ Visual Recording
Is the PROCESS of documenting by sketches, images and words

Many different names
  to mention a few---->

Back of a napkin
Idea doodling
Idea sketching
Image drawing
Scribble scribing
Stick Figure Strategy
Visual Facilitation
Visual Note Taking
Visual Recording
Visual Thinking

I see the name has two parts: First part "Picture" Second part "Writing"
so it is writing by using pictures (mainly)

            Idea is to capture concepts
            by words/ images/ sketches
           for coorporate understanding

Then WHY do we do it?
For recording (documentation)
For focus
To keep everyone on the same page
Let everyone have an opportunity to be heard
Main concepts are captured with simple sketches
        NB Draw like a 5-year-old
        NB Draw "good enough"
Promotes Interaction
Promotes Discussion
Promotes  Memory

Graphic Facilitation (as opposed to Graphic Recording)
takes it one step deeper
Large scale imagery
To lead group towards a goal

Words and pictures help left brained people and right brained people function using both sides of the brain

Estimated percentages
Fully Left     Lean to Left         Lean to Right          Fully Right Brained
25%              12%                         30%                         33%
        LOGIC                                                  FEELINGS
       WORDS                                               IMAGES
        TEXT                                                  PICTURES
TIME ORIENTED                                SPACE ORIENTED
 SEE DETAILS                                      SEE THE WHOLE
    ANALYSIS                                              SYNTHESIS
LINEAR TEXT                                               GRAPHICS

By combining words and text in Visual Recording we help people maximise and stimulate both sides of their brain

Thirdly HOW do we do it?

Build up simple graphic vocabulary
Standard/ Quality of image:
Draw like a 5-year old
Draw "good  enough"
Good enough to win art prize? NO
Good enough to convey message YES

Practice the simple elements
Line straight/ dotted/ way/curly
Stick woman

How to put it all together
Dress comfortably
Good shoes
Drink plenty water

Come early, check the surroundings
Check your stationary: paper, sticky tape, pens, markers, colors
Check Camera. video, tripod
own lighting if needed
own seating if possible

Research & Sketch: Topic, Speaker, Date

LISTEN carefully to the words spoken
CAPTURE  "Chunks" of information
Main points, ideas, 
SEEK for patterns: is it linear or radial
DISTILL into treasure
DRAW the main ideas
essence of meeting
that represent ideas talked about
and use words (text)

Ask for inputs: volunteers can add sketches, diagrams, arrows, clumps

PRACTICE with sketches, sketch notes, mind maps
Develop your skill as graphic recorder:
Can listen to TED TALK and make your graphic recording
Use Graphic Facilitation or your own meetings

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