Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Journey

Pastor Raymond Fong lead the morning devotions today (Sunday 16 June) at our church camp.

The bible text was from Luke 24, the road to Emmaus .

Three pointers from the text
Gracious Presence (of Jesus)
Pivotal Experience (Emmaus vs Damascus)
Powerful Symbol (breaking of bread)

Gracious Presence (of Jesus)
Cleopas et al did not at first recognize Jesus, but looking back they recalled their "hearts burned within". This was Christ's gracious presence.
Driving thru the immense traffic jam, ps Raymond was physically basked by the sun and blessed with 4 hours of meaningful conversation with his gracious wife.
The prayer is that we will experience His gracious presence throughout the church camp .

Pivotal Experience (Emmaus vs Damascus)
Emmaus was a pivotal experience: a time of communal revelation
Contraiwise, also a pivotal point, Damascus was for Paul a personal experience.
The prayer is for those who are private will expand their communal experience,
And those that are communal will enhance their private experience.

Powerful Symbol (breaking of bread)
The sacrament of love an exposure of vulnerability
The prayer is that we extend this sharing with others

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