Monday, September 2, 2013

4th SgGR meet 20130902

Circle of friends
We walked Tim through a few linguistic hoops,
 plunging the depths of local Cheeminology,
 Hokkien-speak pao suah, pao hai! 
(to be loaded with ALL the different tasks in the office/country)

Digital recording on iPad
We shared our experiences with Sketchbook pro (and brushes).
We had a few styli (?styluses) to pass around.

We talked about the challenges of digital recordings (steep learning curve)
motion-sickness inducement by zooming
the limitations
canvas size
the pluses

Does it serve the client's needs?
Is the visual practitioner competent to go digital?
what is the final output?

Versus the option of having a videocamera following the Graphic recorders work in real time on the wall.

I shared the excitement and agony of recording a PetchaKutcha Night on my iPad, a series of 8 talks, each 6 minutes 20 seconds, 20 slides, 20 seconds each.

Pierre is French but has gone to Australia. His company of four; wheretofromhere, seeks to provide environment for companies to find their own solutions to their problems. Seeking to develop Asian node, probably in Singapore, and network with local facilitators, graphic recorders.

He spoke of the setup they use for graphics at meeting: Swiss company made  "Sandwich-Whiteboards" some 2 metre high. to be used singly, in pairs or more.
Also spoke of GooglePlus network Patches and Nodes.

Best Practices
Tim described some of his experience at IFVP meeting
1)  4 expert scribes recorded the same videoclip of talk for 15 minutes
(something to do with penguins and humans)
then there was discussion and Q&A.

One did high level synthesis, a few words that summarised the whole thing
Another did a "middle" level of recording: broad principles
The third did a detailed recording.

Depending on the needs of the client and own personal style, find what works for you.

2) Tim also attended a workshop: 
How to grow your VP business;
He will share some ideas at our next meeting.
 (scheduled Friday 8th November 2013 at Tim's place)

Four Belles at the Ball

we enjoyed chitchat (fei-lo-ship = 肥咯-ship)
 over coffee, tea, and sandwiches.

Mandatory Group Photo

Graphic Recording of our meeting!

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